Work with our dedicated Employment team to give someone seeking protection in Australia the dignity and stability of a job, while building your workplace’s diversity and staff engagement.
Workplace Giving - via pre-tax via payroll, in-house fundraisers or matching employee donations - are a great way to inspire small acts of kindness that can make a big impact.
Share Lunch
A popular team-building exercise, groups of people buy, make, serve and share community lunches, Tuesday - Friday at Auburn & Newtown.
Share your skills
Help to build professional skills with people seeking asylum - computing, employment search, English language and more.
Set up an online fundraising page.
Financial donations are the best way to support our work at the Asylum Seekers Centre. They allow us to direct funds to areas of most need, maximising the help we can provide.
Setting up and sharing a fundraiser is simple! Just click the button below to get started.
Make us your charity of choice!
Rally a team or ask your workplace and colleagues to support you.
Help us get the word out by sharing your personalised fundraising page, social media posts and sporting an ASC running singlet, t-shirt or cap.
You can choose ASC in the City2Surf, Sydney Marathon, Cole Classic and other events.
Please send an email indicating your interest to be a part of City2Surf 2024:
Organise a digital device drive.
We all have an old phone or laptop lying around, gathering dust.
People seeking asylum need digital connection. A phone, laptop, or tablet provides connection with loved ones, the community, work, and education.
Encourage your colleagues or workplace to donate old devices. At ASC we update mobile phones, laptops and tablets, and distribute them to people who need them.
Other ways to donate
Via EFT:
BSB: 032 023
Account: 248 320
Name: Asylum Seekers Centre
Please include your name as reference and email us at so we can receipt you correctly.
Via Cheque:
To Asylum Seekers Centre, 43 Bedford St Newtown NSW 2042
Make a monthly gift:
All cash donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Support people seeking asylum in style.
Buy your next company gift or something special for yourself at our online shop. From KeepCups to tea-towels, -silk scarves to greeting cards - there's something for everyone.
All profits go to the Asylum Seekers Centre.
Help spread the word.
You can host one of our volunteer community speakers to visit your school, community group or workplace and share information about refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.
If you have another idea of how you can support the Asylum Seekers Centre or would like to fund a specific project, please get in touch at